Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Onset of Massive Headaches

As many of you guys already know I've been suffering from Bell's for quite a while now.  I've experienced the facial pain, the pain behind the ear and eye pain sporatically throughout my recovery.  I've noticed a new symptom as of late and that is massive headaches.  Note the adjective massive.  I've had headaches before, but I've never been one to get migraines or debilitating headaches.  The headaches I've been experiencing the past few weeks have been awfully painful.  Ironically, they only affect the right side of my face as if a line were literally drawn down the center.  Pretty sure this is Hell's Bell's rearing her ugly little head.

Luckily, I know the attributing factors:

  1. Someone turned on the fan and left it on while I was taking a rare nap.  I normally sleep with the affected side of my face towards the pillow.  The pressure and warmth seem to sooth any discomfort I experience.  This time, however, I was being overly brave and left the affected side of my face exposed.  I paid the price via massive headache.  Thank you someone.  I forgive you.  
  2. I was subjected to the bitter, cold wind outside.  I was a genius.  I forgot my hat.  Again, I paid the price.  Arkansas weather is too unpredictable to forget proper Bell's "protection".  Yes, it gets cold down here and, yes, I wear shoes.
So, I'm willing to offer free advice derived from the lessons I paid for dearly: 
  1. Place tape over your fan switches as a reminder to others that turning it on is a huge no-no!  
  2. Don't take chances...stick with what you know.  Healing is everything and we can't afford set backs.  Be the person with the beanie cap on a 100 degree day.   What's the big deal?  We wear our sunglasses inside; why not add another fashion faux paux to the list.   
That is all for now.  I wish you all a complete and speedy recovery.  Chin up, keep warm!


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