Saturday, June 9, 2012

Bell's Palsy - Day 3

(Originally written 03.29.12)

I woke this morning to a matted right eye.  I'm not sure at this point if it's a developing infection or simply a build-up of the lubricating gel drops.  A warm wash cloth was a quick remedy.  Aside from that, I slept a little better throughout the night.  The only time my ear, or the area near the ear, bothered me was when I attempted to roll over and sleep on that side.  I know that this is only the third day into my condition, but there's a part of me that takes that first look in the mirror with hopes that all will be "normal" again.  I know there are tons of chronicles of the trials of this condition and not many that reflect full recovery for pregnant women with complete paralysis.  I hope to find some if any to lift my spirits a bit.  

I opened the Bible yesterday to see what I could find in regard to paralysis.  It seems the message I interpreted was one that indicates that we need not simply pray for God to cure our physical illness, but more so our spiritual illness.  Are we guilty of living a man-made life or a God-made life?  Do we place importance and value in people and our relationships or in material things and financial gain?  We aren't to take for granted the truly important things; because if we do the next thing that happens to us might be much worse.  I believe that God is trying to send me a message and has been for quite some time.  I have several extremely painful surgeries within the past couple of years and I still have not slowed down enough to enjoy the pleasures of life and the gifts of God.  I have placed such emphasis on career objectives and creating a sense of security for myself and the baby that I have literally placed all relationships to the wayside.  

Through the years I haven't slowed down enough to appreciate those around me.  I don't want to make false promises; however, I do realize I need to make a change.  I want to make a change and I'm going to try to make a change.  I'm continuing to pray for a complete and speedy recovery.  

-Bell Story

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